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Documentation of cultural heritage with digital and non destructive methods

Documentation of cultural heritage with digital and non destructive methods

Jani Causcvic

The adoption of non-destructive and digital documentation methods has gained significant traction within the cultural heritage sector. Techniques such as ground penetrating radar (GPR), photogrammetry, and laser scanning are now employed more extensively than ever before, offering unprecedented opportunities to document and understand our cultural heritage.

Ground penetrating radar allows us to explore beneath the surface, mapping subsurface structures and features that reveal layers of archaeological significance. Photogrammetry facilitates the creation of highly accurate 3D models from photographs, capturing intricate details of objects, buildings, and landscapes. Meanwhile, laser scanning provides precise topographical data, essential for the detailed documentation and analysis of architectural elements.

The integration of these methods significantly enhances our ability to document cultural heritage while preserving the integrity of the materials. By presenting examples from Norway and Iceland, I will demonstrate how these non-invasive methods can be effectively utilized to document cultural heritage and the valuable tools they provide.

Fyrirlesturinn er hluti af Nýjar rannsóknir í fornleifafræði 2025, fyrirlestraröð Félags fornleifafræðinga og námsbrautar í fornleifafræði við Háskóla Íslands. Fyrirlesturinn fer fram í stofu 202 í Odda, Háskóla Íslands.